Best Vegan Gravy Recipe With Peppery Lentils

Brown Lentils Best Vegan Gravy Caavakushi

Table of Contents

1. Introduction To Vegan Gravy

2. Origins Of Gravy

3. Traditional Uses of Gravy Around The World

– 3.1 Traditional Gravy In The USA

– 3.2 Traditional Gravy In Canada

– 3.3 Traditional Gravy In The UK

– 3.4 Traditional Gravy In Europe

– 3.5 Traditional Gravy In Africa

– 3.6 Traditional Gravy In Asia

– 3.7 Traditional Gravy In South America

4. What To Pair Vegan Gravy With

5. Health Benefits Of Vegan Gravy

6. Other Delicious Vegan Recipes To Try

7. The Caavakushi Vegan Newsletter

8. Vegan Lentil Gravy Recipe

– 8.1 Ingredients

– 8.1 Instructions

– 8.3 Calories

9. Vegan Gravy Substitutes

10. Conclusion

11. FAQs

12. Thoughts

1. Introduction To Vegan Gravy

Their is a rich tradition of using gravy in different cultures across the world. The vegan lentil gravy presents a delectable alternative to some of these classics. This article explores the origins of gravy, its cultural variations, the health benefits of a plant-based version, and guides you through a delightful vegan lentil gravy recipe.

2. Origins of Gravy

Gravy’s roots extend deep into culinary history, originating as a method to enhance the flavour of meats. The evolution of this savoury sauce has led to countless regional adaptations, and today we explore a vegan approach with lentils as the star ingredient.

3. Traditional Uses of Gravy Around The World

3.1 Traditional Gravy In The USA

In the United States, gravy often accompanies comfort foods like mashed potatoes, biscuits, and fried chicken. The vegan lentil gravy provides a cruelty-free twist to these dishes.

3.2 Traditional Gravy In Canada

Most people know that Canadians love to use gravy for a handful of their national dishes. The most well recognised has to be Canada’s poutine. Adding a vegan lentil gravy to this timeless meal might just enhance the flavours.

3.3 Traditional Gravy In The UK

The UK’s Sunday roast tradition is incomplete without a generous pour of savoury gravy. Our lentil-based alternative adds a hearty and wholesome touch to this iconic dish.

3.4 Traditional Gravy In Europe

European gravies, whether French sauces or Italian ragùs, can now be enjoyed in plant-based form. The vegan lentil gravy adds depth to pasta dishes and vegetable stews.

3.5 Traditional Gravy In Africa

African cuisines feature gravies with bold spices. The vegan lentil gravy, infused with aromatic herbs, complements African-inspired vegan dishes.

3.6 Traditional Gravy In Asia

Asian culinary landscapes showcase diverse spicy gravies, from Japanese teriyaki to Indian curries. Our lentil-based recipe offers a protein-packed and flavourful alternative.

3.7 Traditional Gravy In South America

South American gastronomy embraces gravies with a kick. The vegan lentil gravy, with its robust flavour profile, pairs well with empanadas and grilled vegetables.

Brown Lentils Best Vegan Gravy Caavakushi

4. What To Pair Vegan Gravy With

Versatile and wholesome, vegan lentil gravy pairs seamlessly with a variety of dishes. Drizzle it over roasted vegetables, use it as a dip for plant-based nuggets, or serve it alongside vegan meat alternatives. The options are endless.

5. Health Benefits Of Vegan Gravy

Opting for a vegan gravy made with lentils provides a nutritious boost. Packed with plant-based protein, fibre, and essential nutrients, it contributes to a balanced and health-conscious diet. This gravy is great for those trying to build muscle, thanks to it’s high protein content.

6. Other Delicious Vegan Recipes To Try

Whether you love to cook or you’re just a beginner, we have something for everybody. The Caavakushi team has created a range of incredible recipes just for vegans. Every recipe is very easy to follow, with ingredient lists and step-by-step instructions on how to prepare each meal. Give them a try and let us know what you think. We’d love to see pictures and videos of your recreations of our recipes on social media. Tag us, and we may even give you a shout-out!

7. The Caavakushi Vegan Newsletter

If you like being in the know about all things related to veganism, we’ve got you covered. The Caavakushi vegan newsletter covers pretty much all aspects of the plant-based world. We will keep you up to date with vegan news, vegan business, vegan food, vegan products and services, vegan health and fitness, vegan travel, vegan events, vegan entertainment, sports, pets, charities, and influential vegans, plus we might throw in some free gifts too. So join now. It’s free, and you’ll receive a weekly dose of all things vegan and cruelty-free straight to your inbox.

8. Vegan Lentil Gravy Recipe

Before we get started, we just wanted to let you know that this truly is an easy vegan gravy recipe. So without any further ado, let’s show you how to make vegan gravy with the help of lentils.

8.1 Ingredients

8.2 Instructions

  1. Cook lentils according to package instructions until tender. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a pan, sauté onions and garlic in cold pressed extra virgin olive oil until translucent.
  3. Sprinkle the all-purpose gluten-free cassava flour over the onion and garlic mixture, stirring continuously.
  4. Slowly add vegan vegetable broth and unsweetened almond milk, stirring to avoid lumps.
  5. Incorporate the cooked lentils into the mixture.
  6. Stir in vegan soy sauce and season with pink Himalayan salt and ground pepper.
  7. Remove from the pan and blend in the blender to your desired consistency.
  8. Then place it back into the pan and let it simmer until it reaches the thickness you are happy with.
  9. Once the vegan lentil gravy is ready, remove it from the heat and serve.
Brown Lentils Best Vegan Gravy Caavakushi

8.3 Calories

A serving of this vegan lentil gravy contains approximately 60 calories. So now you can add plant-based gravy to your meals without feeling guilty about the calories.

9. Vegan Gravy Substitutes

If you don’t always want a lentil gravy, you can explore alternatives to the lentil base by using ingredients like chickpeas, beans, or even roasted vegetables to create unique and flavourful vegan gravies.

10. Conclusion

Vegan lentil gravy is a celebration of plant-based flavours and global culinary influences. Incorporate this hearty and nutritious alternative into your meals, contributing to a sustainable and compassionate dining experience.

11. FAQs

Q1: Can I freeze vegan lentil gravy?
A1: Yes, you can freeze it in airtight containers for up to three months. Thaw and reheat on the stovetop or in the microwave.

Q2: What dishes can I enhance with vegan lentil gravy?
A2: This versatile gravy pairs well with roasted vegetables, plant-based roasts, mashed potatoes, and even vegan poutine.

Q3: Can I make the lentil gravy gluten-free?
A3: Certainly! Use any gluten-free flour or corn starch, such as the all-purpose cassava flour we used in this recipe.

Brown Lentils Best Vegan Gravy Caavakushi

12. Thoughts

We have plenty more articles where that came from on the Caavakushi vegan blog plus you can always find recipes with the Caavakushi vegan search engine. We also love to help plant-based brands and individuals by allowing them to submit vegan guest posts for free. Share your thoughts, experiences, and advice with our vegan community on the Caavakushi vegan forum. If you want to keep up with everything vegan, including products, services, restaurants, hotels, etc., you might want to consider joining our free vegan newsletter. There are also plenty of other places where you can find us, including Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, Podcast, and Tumblr. Don’t worry, we’ll be back soon with more articles about all things vegan, plant-based, and cruelty-free.

Best Vegan Gravy Recipe With Peppery Lentils

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